International Women’s Day 2023 - Central District Alliance

International Women’s Day 2023

On International Women’s Day we brought together local businesses and stakeholders to discuss and refine recommendations that will be published in our upcoming Un_Biased research report over the coming weeks. Launched a year prior on International Women’s Day 2022, Un_Biased is a research programme exploring the barriers that women face in their work life journeys that can stop them from realising their full potential and identify opportunities for change. Using our footprint as a case study, the final report will set out actionable but ambitious recommendations to remove or mitigate barriers, either through our own interventions, recommendations for businesses or new policy suggestions.

It was great to welcome so many wonderful women from across the CDA business community to the event marking the role that women play in our society. After sharing PRD’s initial research findings following a year of conversations and focus groups with our business community, our guests heard from Caitlin Moran in a fireside chat chaired by Jenna Goldberg (London Communications Agency). Caitlin shared insights into the tribulations faced by ‘normal’ women on a daily basis; the need for men to be part of the conversation to fuel change; and the importance of women from different generations supporting and celebrating each other. Our International Women’s Day celebration concluded with a panel discussion including Cllr Comer-Schwartz (Leader of Islington Council), Cllr Sabrina Francis (Cabinet Member for Young People and Culture at Camden Council), Sabrina Francis, Juanita Ingram, Esq. JD MBA (Founder of Dress for Success London) and Claire Reindorp (Chief Executive Officer at Young Women’s Trust). Thank you to all of our amazing panel for agreeing to take part in this important discussion.

The conversations started on International Women’s Day that build on over a year of work on the Un_Biased project will be used to shape the recommendations we’ll be setting out in our upcoming report shortly. For more information about Un_Biased, please visit

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